i got my covid-19 vaccine! and afterthoughts
Last Tuesday March 23, 2021, i finally got my 1st dose of AstraZeneca covid-19 vaccine in Ospital ng Maynila Medical Centre. It has been...
i got my covid-19 vaccine! and afterthoughts
If you are reading this...
Season's Greetings to everyone! (plus crowdsourcing greetings for a troll)
updated clinical protocols 6-2020
Did you know that people with bad oral health get heartbroken more?
Mucocele excision - surgical removal of a soft tissue lesion
How are temporary crowns made?
vertical tooth fractures = goodbye!
activated charcoal tooth whitening hoax
can whitening solutions really whiten my teeth?
murphy's law and vertical tooth fracture (still a dead end)
from zero to something else
from bad to worse
bruxism can kill!!!! (your teeth)
my favorite #deepbite #orthodontics case!
my brief history as a dentist
Welcome to Ho Dental Office blog?