Hello there! Welcome to Ho Dental Office.
I will be happy to help you with your dental needs. For inquiries or appointments, don't hesitate to contact me!
Thanks for visiting my page! Hoping to serve you in my office soon!
-Doc Jed
Ho Dental Office
Unit 703B, 7th Floor, Pacific Centre,
460 Quintin Paredes Road,
Binondo, Manila 1006
Contact Us

Ho Dental Office
not enough space for your teeth? no problem! we'll help bring out your natural smile!

orthodontic treatment deep bite

orthodontic treatment slight crowding and edge to edge bite

orthodontic treatment Hawley retainers

orthodontic treatment deep bite
got a teeth or something else where it's not supposed to be? no problem! we'll get it out of your mouth pronto!

horizontal impacted lower molar #48

mesioangular impacted lower molar #48

impacted lower supernumerary premolar

horizontal impacted lower molar #48
got a cracked tooth? teeth darker than usual? we'll get your teeth to tip-top shape!

crown fracture composite restoration (light cured)

e-max porcelain veneers sample

internal bleaching / whitening of root canal treated tooth

crown fracture composite restoration (light cured)
missing a teeth or two? no problem! thru traditional dentures or porcelain fixed bridges, we will find ways to cover that gap!

4-unit fixed bridge front teeth, porcelain fused to metal

Maryland bridge, upper missing lateral incisor

complete and partial denture

4-unit fixed bridge front teeth, porcelain fused to metal
feeling too sensitive or hopeless? worry no more! thru root canal treatment we will give your tooth a new lease on life!

root canal treatment - front tooth with abscess post op follow up after 2 years (2016-2018)

root canal treatment - premolar

rubber dam isolation during root canal to minimize contamination

root canal treatment - front tooth with abscess post op follow up after 2 years (2016-2018)
need a tooth filled, removed, or 'tuned up'? easy! we can fill up your cavity just fine, extract bad tooth with ease, or toughen up all of your teeth with topical fluoride!

oral prophylaxis dental cleaning - tartar or calculus are hard deposits, seen on left side, easily removed after cleaning

oral prophylaxis dental cleaning - tartar or calculus are hard deposits, seen on left side, easily removed after cleaning

comprehensive dental rehabilitation

oral prophylaxis dental cleaning - tartar or calculus are hard deposits, seen on left side, easily removed after cleaning